Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers

Learn what this program's participants do, how to apply, whether the program is right for you, and how we select participants.

Join a global community of educators and prepare your students for the world.

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers brings international primary and secondary educators to the United States for a four-month long program to complete an individual or group project; take courses for professional learning at a host university; and observe, collaborate, and share their expertise with U.S. colleagues.

Program Description

Distinguished educators who are selected to participate in the program will:

  • Design and complete an individual or group research project of direct relevance to their educational practice.
  • Participate in advanced undergraduate or graduate level classes at a U.S. host university.
  • Observe classes, co-teach, and share their expertise with U.S. colleagues in U.S. elementary or secondary schools.
  • Participate in an online professional learning community with other participants to share educational practices with a global network of colleagues; and
  • Engage in other educational and cultural activities while on program in the United States.

Upon returning home, educators will be expected to share the knowledge and experience gained during the program with educators and students in their home schools and communities.

Learn more about what participants do

Is this program right for you?

If you are currently a full-time primary or secondary educator living and working in one of the participating Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching countries, you are eligible to apply to the program. This includes classroom teachers, guidance counselors, curriculum specialists, library media specialists, special education coordinators, administrators, and others who work directly with primary and/or secondary students at least fifty percent of their time.

In Bangladesh, Brazil, Botswana, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines, Senegal, and Uganda teacher trainers are also eligible to apply.

Eligibility criteria also include three years of full-time teaching experience or working with students in another capacity appropriate to their professional role, and the ability to travel to the United States for five months. The U.S. Embassy or Fulbright Commission in your country has additional information about program eligibility and how to apply.

Shermy Motlhabane and Koga Chilume (Botswana to United States 2020) attending the Disabilities and Mental Health Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

How to apply

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers is open to full-time primary and secondary educators in participating countries.

**Ready to apply? ** Please contact your local U.S. Embassy or Fulbright Commission for information about how to apply, including specific application deadlines, as this varies by country or territory.

Program Resources

You can also learn more by visiting the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs website.


If you have any questions, please contact FulbrightDAI@irex.org.

Besides the professional development that represents this exchange, it was a good chance to be immersed in the American culture, and, what's more American than baseball?

Carlos Rojas Ortega, English Teacher, Mexico to United States

Carlos Rojas Ortega, English Teacher, Mexico to United States