Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program
U.S. Administrators
Finland, Germany, Singapore, United Kingdom
10 days

Applications for the 2025-2026 Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program are due February 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.
The Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program sends cohorts of U.S. K–12 school administrators to participating host countries for an intensive program to learn about the educational system in their host country and explore different strategies to prepare U.S. students with the skills and understanding necessary to address global challenges and succeed in a global economy.
Program Description
School administrators are key to preparing the next generation with the skills and understanding necessary to address global challenges and succeed in a global economy. Outstanding education leaders develop innovative approaches to issues most important in their communities, share best practices, and build global networks to drive change that benefits all students. Collectively, administrators have a significant multiplier impact as they reach thousands of students across schools and districts.
Fulbright Teacher Exchanges include roundtrip airfare, visa support, accident and sickness medical coverage, accommodations, and meals related to the travel portions of each program. Participants receive a stipend to offset costs related to their travel. The stipend is not intended to replace a participant's salary and will vary depending on the host country, duration of program, and other factors.
- Timeline & Activities
Applications typically open in December and close in February. Applicants can expect to be notified in the summer. Travel may take place during the fall, winter, or spring.
Program Activities
Cohorts travel to one of the participating host countries where they will engage in a series of enriching activities designed to highlight the strengths and strategies that local school systems use to address shared challenges. Activities will vary by country, but may include:
- Visits to public and private schools
- Presentations by non-governmental organizations
- Workshops dedicated to understanding the educational system
- Meetings with local education leaders, teachers, and students
- Cultural tours and activities
Fulbrighters participating in a conference panel in 2024 four school administrators facilitating a panel on a stage- Eligibility
The Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program is open to full-time school and district-level administrators at public, private (secular or faith-based), and charter schools in the United States, a U.S. territory, or within the Department of Defense Education Activity).
Applications are encouraged from administrators who demonstrate in their applications a commitment to remaining in the field of U.S. K-12 education following their participation in the Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program.
To be eligible for the Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program, the applicant must:
- be a U.S. citizen who resides in the United States, a U.S. territory, or who works on a campus within the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA).
- have five or more years of full-time administrative experience in a K–12 setting (eligible titles include, but are not limited to: principal, assistant principal, superintendent, assistant superintendent, dean, associate/assistant dean, head of school, director).
- be employed full-time as a K–12 school and/or district administrator at a U.S. K-12 educational institution or school district (including those in U.S. territories, or within the DoDEA). Full-time employment as an administrator is defined as having 90% or more of contracted time spent in an administrative function, such as providing school, staff and/or instructional leadership and developing, implementing, and evaluating district and school systems and policies.
- hold at least a master’s degree.
- NOT have resided abroad for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding the date of application (a candidate who has lived outside the United States, a U.S. territory, or a school associated with the Department of Defense Education Activity for nine months or more during a calendar year is deemed to have resided abroad for that year).
Fulbrighters in Singapore, 2022 four teachers in Singapore holding up Chinese calligraphy- Application
The application to Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools can be found on IREX’s Online Application System. The application includes sections to enter personal and professional demographics, education and certification information, language proficiency, and an opportunity to answer short essay questions about the applicant’s purpose and goals for participating in the program. The short essay questions prompt applicants to describe their reasons for applying, how their participation will enable them to benefit their school communities, how they define 'educational leadership', and what they think are the most crucial challenges facing currently their educational community.
Applicants should be prepared to submit a professional reference from their direct supervisor and/or a member of the school board in support of their application. If selected, applicants will need to submit a leave authorization form signed by their employer confirming that they can travel during the program's dates. This form will be provided to selected participants.
- Selection Criteria
Participants for the Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program are selected through an open, nationwide competition.
When applications are received by IREX through the Online Application System, each application is screened for technical eligibility. After confirming that applicants meet the eligibility criteria, an independent committee of experts reviews the applications. The independent committee reads and reviews applications and makes nomination recommendations. The Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board approves all final nominations.
Applications are encouraged from individuals who:
- work in high-need schools or districts, defined as having a student population that is of high socioeconomic need, especially where 40% or more qualifies for Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FARMS).
- have had ten or more years of full-time administrative experience in a U.S. K-12 educational institution or school district.
- demonstrate commitment to remaining in U.S. K-12 education following their participation in the Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools Program.
- have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
- have NOT participated in another Fulbright Program and/or had recent significant professional experience abroad. Professional experience abroad includes study, teaching, research, or professional development. It does not include personal travel, undergraduate study abroad, leading student trips, religious or volunteer trips, service in the U.S. Armed Forces, or serving in the Peace Corps.
While previous participation in a Fulbright Program does not disqualify applicants, the program prefers applicants for whom it would be their first such opportunity.