The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State and IREX Invite Proposals to Host Fulbright Teacher Exchange Programs!

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) offers a suite of Fulbright Teacher Exchange Programs funded by Congress for U.S. and international educators. These professional learning programs provide opportunities for elementary and secondary educators in the United States and around the world to share educational practices and bring global skills and perspectives to their schools. Through these exchanges, educators forge lasting connections and prepare their students to be future leaders, equipped to work with others around the world to address global challenges. 

IREX administers the Fulbright Teacher Exchanges through a cooperative agreement with ECA. IREX is currently requesting applications from U.S. universities for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI). Under this program, U.S. university schools of education host a cohort of approximately 25 primary and secondary teachers for the Fall, 2023 semester from all world regions.

About the Program

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) is a four and a half-month professional development program for primary and secondary school educators and teacher trainers based at a U.S. university school of education. 

Fulbright DAI is a non-degree, non-credit program for experienced teachers that includes specialized seminars, cultural activities, and field experiences with U.S. partner teachers in schools near the host university to actively engage participants in the U.S. classroom environment.

Participants will audit graduate or high-level undergraduate courses, participate in optional technology training, and complete an individual or group project with guidance from a faculty advisor. The university facilitates a Fulbright Seminar which offers opportunities for teachers to discuss their home education systems, their experiences in U.S. schools, strategies for completing their projects, and other topics they identify in consultation with university staff.  

How to Apply + Timeline for Proposals

ECA and IREX are seeking applications from institutions that reflect the diversity of higher education in the United States and that are equipped to meet the specific requirements of the Fulbright DAI Program. Applications will be reviewed by an independent selection committee that will make recommendations to ECA for funding.

The current Request for Applications addresses the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program. In the future, IREX may offer other program models for teachers or educators. Based on university responses and capabilities outlined in applications submitted to host the Fulbright DAI Program, IREX may invite universities to consider subawards for future needs for additional programs or components for teachers or other educators.

Proposals for the Fulbright DAI Program are due to IREX by 5:00 PM Eastern Time on January 27, 2023. Download the full Request for Applications for details on proposal requirements. Proposals should be addressed to Jonathan Ferguson, Project Director, IREX, and emailed as a single PDF file to Late submissions and requests for deadline extension will not be considered.

Additional Information

For more information on each program, please visit Fulbright Teacher Exchange website. For specific questions regarding the Fulbright DAI application, please contact